Programmname: | SLOW-PCfighter | |
Version: | 1.5.22 | |
Autor: | Henrik Sorensen | |
Webseite: | | |
Kontakt: | | |
Sprache: | deutsch | |
Lizenz: | Shareware | |
Kosten: | 14.95 EUR | |
Information: | ||
Download*: | ||
Größe: | 4272 kByte | |
Downloads: | 90 Downloads | |
Systemvoraussetzungen: | Win 2000, Win XP, Win Vista, Windows 7 | |
Beschreibung: | Ist Ihr Computer in der letzten Zeit langsamer geworden? Hier gibt\'s Hilfe! Unternehmen Sie etwas dagegen - optimieren Sie Ihren PC, sodass er Ihnen noch viele Jahre erhalten bleibt! SLOW-PCfighter macht Ihren PC fit. SLOW-PCfighter bedient sich einer hochentwickelten Technologie, um Computerfehler zu analysieren und das Arbeitstempo Ihres PC wieder zu beschleunigen und macht Ihren PC fit. SLOW-PCfighter löscht ungenutzte Einträge in Ihrer Registry, die von Softwarefehlern und fehlgeschlagenen Treiberinstallationen, Deinstallationen und untauglichen Treibern stammen und optimiert den Start Ihres Windows-Betriebssystems. Eine manuelle Fehlerbereinigung Ihres Computers kann sehr zeitraubend und darüber hinaus riskant sein. Sie könnten aus Versehen wichtige Dateien löschen und Ihr System endgültig zum Erliegen bringen. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Holländisch, Tschechisch und Dänisch | |
Betriebssysteme: | WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows Vista Ultimate,Windows Vista Ultimate x64,Win98,WinME,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Home Basic x64,Windows Vista Home Premium x64,Windows Vista Business x64,Windows Vista Enterprise x64 | |
Screenshots: | ||
SLOW-PCfighter, registry cleaner scannt, prüft, repariert, probieren, Computer, langsam, SLOW-PCfighter, schneller PC, optimieren PC, frei, optimieren Sie Ihren Computer | ||
EULA des Anbieters | SLOW-PCfighter License Agreement SPAMfighter gives to the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, revocable and time-limited right to use SLOW-PCFIGHTER. The License gives you the right to install and execute the software, to make one copy of the software for backup purpose only and to use the software in accordance with this License Agreement. Licensed Units When you purchase a license you will be provided with a serial number which you can use to activate the license. You agree to use the software only for the number of licensed units specified on your invoice. Any use of more copies of the software than are licensed is prohibited. Intellectual Property Rights The software is copyrighted according to law. This License Agreement does not give you any intellectual property rights to the software. Any duplication of the code, abuse of the SPAMfighter or SLOW-PCFIGHTER logo or rights can and will be prosecuted in accordance with Danish law. You may not in any way amend or alter the software including but not limited to copying, reproducing, changing, modifying and decompiling the software. It is also not allowed to reverse engineer and/or disassemble code or protocols used by the software. Restrictions on Use You are expressly prohibited from sublicensing, selling, leasing, renting, outsourcing or in any way distributing the software that violates applicable law. Limited Warranty You expressly understand and agree that use of the software is provided to you under this License Agreement on an “as is†basis. The software is not subject to any guarantees. You hereby also accept that SPAMfighter do not represent or warrant that the software will be error and defect free. Limitation of Liablility The use of the product is at the risk of the user only and SPAMfighter cannot in any way or form be held liable for causing any direct or indirect damage, including but not limited to loss of business, loss of data, damage to any program or other software or any hardware. The maximum liability for damages of SLOW-PCFIGHTER towards the user cannot exceed an amount corresponding to the amount actually paid by the user for the use of the software. Term and Termination This agreement commences upon payment of the license fee or upon your first installation. This agreement terminates when the license period ends or if you fail to comply with the terms of this agreement. Governing Law and Jurisdiction This license agreement shall be governed by the laws of Denmark. Change of Terms This license term may be amended at any time and the user shall keep him/her informed of any updates and if necessary update the program to the latest version. Miscellaneous In the period during which you use the product SPAMfighter can choose to forward email messages to you containing information regarding the product and the company SPAMfighter. If you do not wish to receive these mails you will need to uninstall the program. The user is obliged to indemnify SPAMfighter for any claim for damages directed at SPAMfighter owing to actions on the part of the user and the use of SLOW-PCFIGHTER. If you wish to distribute, purchase or resell SLOW-PCFIGHTER or other of SPAMfighter\'s products, please contact SPAMfighter is a member of the Danish IT-Association. SPAMfighter ApS is a registered trademark. |
* PC-Special übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für eventuelle Schäden, die durch die Benutzung dieses Programms entstehen. Alleiniger Hafter ist, soweit nicht anders ausgewiesen, der Autor selbst. |
Beiträge von Henrik Sorensen
Programmname: SPAMfighter Mail Gateway Version: Autor: Henrik Sorensen Webseite: Kontakt: Sprache: deutsch Lizenz: Shareware Information: Download*:…PAMfighterMailGateway.exe Größe: 10953 kByte Downloads: 3 Downloads Systemvoraussetzungen: Windows PC or Windows server Beschreibung: SMG integriert sich vollständig in Ihren Exchange-Server, so dass die Installation kinderleicht vonstatten geht. SMG verwendet keine Client-Software, was die Arbeit des Administrators als auch der Endanwender erheblich erleichtert. Andere zentrale Spamfilter erfordern meist laufende Wartung und Aktualisierung der Filterregeln durch den Administrator. Da SMG keine Wortfilter oder andere Regeln verwendet, sondern rund um die Uhr von über 6.000.000 weltweiten Anwendern aktualisiert wird, ist nach der Installation keine weitere Anpassung mehr nötig. Durch die Integration in den Exchange Server wird eine schnelle und sichere Funktionsweise erreicht. Während E-Mails empfangen und vom Exchange Server an die Empfänger weitergeleitet werden, erstellt SMG eine verschlüsselte Signatur der E-Mails und überprüft sie mit Hilfe des SPAMfighter-Servers. Wenn der SPAMfighter-Server eine E-Mail als Spammail erkennt, verschiebt SMG sie automatisch in den Spam-Ordner des Anwenders. Betriebssysteme: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win2000,Windows2000,Windows2003,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x Screenshots: Microsoft, exchange, server, spam, antispam, Filter, mail, junk, spambuster, blocking, junkmail, spam filter, anti, spamkiller, download, downloads, blocker EULA des Anbieters SPAMfighter Mail Gateway License Agreement
Any and all rights to SPAMfighter Mail Gateway belongs to SPAMfighter ApS.
SPAMfighter Mail Gateway is completely free to use for a period of one month after the date of installation. Should you wish to continue using the program after this period, you are obliged to purchase a license. If you do not wish to purchase a license, you only need to uninstall the program and remove it from your computer.
This also applies if you uninstall the program and subsequently reinstall the same or a later version.
SPAMfighter gives to the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable and time-limited right to use SPAMfighter Mail Gateway. With the exception of making a backup copy, the user may not in any way copy or duplicate the software and may not in any way amend or alter it.
This product may only be distributed via downloads from SPAMFIGHTER or from selected partners and may be tried free of charge for the trial period following registration. Such testing is at the risk of the user only and SPAMFIGHTER
cannot in any way or form be held liable for causing any damage to your email program or other software, hardware or for loss of email, loss of profits, misuse by any third party or for any time spent retrieving lost emails or similar.
SPAMFIGHTER is only liable for intentional or grossly negligent matters. Notwithstanding the underlying reason for damages, the maximum liability for damages of SPAMFIGHTER towards the user cannot exceed an amount corresponding to the overall payment of fees by the user for one year.
In short: The user is obliged to indemnify SPAMFIGHTER for any claim for damages directed at SPAMFIGHTER owing to actions on the part of the user and the use of SPAMfighter Mail Gateway.
SPAMFIGHTER endeavors that the SPAMFIGHTER net servers are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. However, SPAMFIGHTER does not guarantee such availability. SPAMFIGHTER shall be entitled to terminate its services
whenever this is necessitated by maintenance or other technical matters. SPAMfighter Mail Gateway is made available to the user as is.
Unpredictable failures, delayed or outstanding deliveries on the part of the SPAMFIGHTER suppliers, shortage of labor, resources or strikes, lockout, lack of transport facilities, restrictions imposed by the authorities and similar
instances of Acts of God shall exempt SPAMFIGHTER from its obligations pertaining to the terms and conditions set out herein to the extent and for the period such obstacles may exist.
In the period during which you try the program free of charge, SPAMFIGHTER will forward email messages to you containing updates and news.
These messages cannot be blocked as spam messages and any attempt to do so will be ineffectual.
This license term may be amended at any time and the user shall keep himself/herself informed of any updates and if necessary update the program to the latest version.
SPAMFIGHTER only supports the latest version of the program and any lack of filtering of spam email messages when using old versions are not supported.
Any information you give when registering for the download will not be sold or passed on to any third party.
As SPAMFIGHTER bases parts of its technology on the review, analysis and exploitation of parts of the email messages reported by the user as spamming, SPAMFIGHTER cannot be blamed for this or for any encroachment upon the secrecy of
the mails, invasion of privacy or similar. Any email reported to SPAMFIGHTER will subsequently be regarded as the property of SPAMFIGHTER.
SPAMFIGHTER may terminate access to SPAMfighter Mail Gateway of the user where the user is in breach of the terms and conditions set out herein or of the SPAMFIGHTER safety rules or as a consequence of the any infringement by the user of third party rights or of rights of any other SPAMFIGHTER user. The same right also rests with SPAMFIGHTER where any claim is made against SPAMFIGHTER as a consequence of matters pertaining to the user.
Any duplication of the code, abuse of the SPAMFIGHTER logo or rights can and will be prosecuted in accordance with Danish law.
By downloading SPAMfighter Mail Gateway, you accept the terms and conditions set out above. If you do not agree to the license terms, please uninstall the program immediately and remove it from your computer.
Should you choose to use SPAMfighter Mail Gateway, we wish you a happy spam free future.
* PC-Special übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für eventuelle Schäden, die durch die Benutzung dieses Programms entstehen. Alleiniger Hafter ist, soweit nicht anders ausgewiesen, der Autor selbst.