Programmname: | .NET CalendarGo Bundle Professional | |
Version: | 7.1 | |
Autor: | Ernest Boron | |
Webseite: | | |
Kontakt: | | |
Sprache: | deutsch | |
Lizenz: | Demo | |
Information: | ||
Download*: | | |
Größe: | 6031 kByte | |
Downloads: | 17 Downloads | |
Systemvoraussetzungen: | .NET Framework (1.1 or greater), VS 2003..2010 | |
Beschreibung: | ||
Betriebssysteme: | Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate,Windows Vista Home Basic x64,Windows Vista Home Premium x64,Windows Vista Business x64,Windows Vista Enterprise x64,Windows Vista Ultimate x64 | |
Screenshots: | |
EULA des Anbieters | License of ComponentGo Software WARNING: ComponentGo SOFTWARE LICENSES ITS PRODUCTS TO YOU. THIS PRODUCT IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW AND INTERNATONAL TREATIES, AS WELL AS OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS AND TREATIES. THE SOFTWARE PROCUCTS ARE LICENSED, NOT SOLD. UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION MAY RESULT IN CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES. ComponentGo grants you the right to use this software components per development computer. If you intend to use our products on multiple development computers, you will need to purchase a separate license for every such computer. ComponentGo License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and ComponentGo. All products including software components, demo files, license files and electronic or printed documentation are under control of this license. By installing, copying, or otherwise using ComponentGo products, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, do not install, copy, redistribute, or use, in any sense, any of the ComponentGo\'s products. ComponentGo\'s products are royalty free for use in any compiled binary or web applications. That means you may distribute your applications with any ComponentGo software components used in your applications in no royalty fees. You may distribute sample program(s) and electronic or printed documentation as well as an unregistered copy of ComponentGo\'s components.. Royalty arrangements can be made with ComponentGo if you are building a container and wish to include one or more of our components as a standard feature of your container. If you plan to redistribute such a container, you need directly contact ComponentGo to make a special license agreement. ComponentGo LICENSE AGREEMENT DISCLAIMER: ComponentGo cannot and does not guarantee that any functions contained in the components will meet your requirements, or that its operations will be error free. The entire risk as to the software performance or quality, or both, is solely with the users and not ComponentGo. You assume responsibility for the selection of the component to achieve your intended results, and for the installation, use, and results obtained from the software. ComponentGo components are delivered \'as they are\', without any form of warranty either implied or expressed. In no event shall ComponentGo be liable to you for damages, whether direct or indirect, incidental, special, or consequential arising out the use of any component in the software. LICENSE GRANT This is a license, not a sales agreement, between you, the end user; and ComponentGo. ComponentGo grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the copy of the software enclosed in this installation and the accompanying documentation in accordance with the terms in this License Agreement. You may: a. distribute unlimited copies of the DLLs, with your products royalty-free; b. install the software on only one computer; c. make one (1) copy of the software in machine readable form solely for backup purposes, provided that you reproduce all proprietary notices on the copy; d. transfer the software from one computer to another provided that the software is used on only one computer at a time; You may not: a. use the software on more than one computer, workstation, or file server at a time in a network or multi-user system; b. modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, create derivative works based on, or copy (except for the backup copy) the software components or the accompanying documentation; c. rent or lease any right for the software or documentation in any form to anyone; d. remove any proprietary notices on the software, documentation, and containers; Without prejudice to any other rights, ComponentGo may terminate this license if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this license. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the software, or uninstall the software from any of your computers in which the software components are installed. All rights, titles, and all copyrights to the software, documentation, and any copy made by you remain the property of ComponentGo |
* PC-Special übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für eventuelle Schäden, die durch die Benutzung dieses Programms entstehen. Alleiniger Hafter ist, soweit nicht anders ausgewiesen, der Autor selbst. |